
Metrona Polska has many years of experience confirmed by references in the provision of the following services:

The services we provide refer to the entire range of instruments offered by Metrona: water meters, heat meters and heating cost allocators.

In addition, Metrona offers a wide range of additional services based on your written request/order.

Installation, reading and billing services are provided on the basis of the conditions agreed individually with you, while additional services are provided on the basis of the Additional Services Price List.

You can individually choose from a wide range of additional services.

The offer is addressed to building administrators. The scope of our services includes the installation and reading of meters as well as billing the costs of heat and water consumption.

Our solutions shorten the time required to read meters and improve the monitoring of their operation. Remote reading with the use of radio instruments does not require access to apartments, houses and other premises to read the meters.

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