Information for the building administrators

Information for the building administrators

To commence the billing procedure, the readings of metering instruments installed in the building are required. This data is collected at the right time (each building has a different billing period) in the headquarters by the service employees from field branches located throughout Poland.

We kindly ask you to provide the head office with the billing regulations and the data required for the calculation of the costs: the costs incurred in a given billing period and advance payments.

The editable form of data on the costs and advance payments will undoubtedly shorten the time needed to complete the billing procedure.

Below, under the link, you can find forms to be printed and filled in to determine the Billing Conditions necessary to bill heat, hot water, cold water:

Completed forms should be sent by post or scanned and sent by e-mail to the following address:

We provide house administrators with cost calculations in the form of transparent aggregate summaries and individual sheets for each premises. On request, we can enclose electronic files in formats that enable the efficient transfer of data to the rental system.

Metrona Polska is not a heat supplier – we only provide cost calculating and billing services commissioned by the property administrator. All overpayments or underpayments are settled by the building occupants as part of the rent payments.

With our company, you can have your own dedicated billing account manager.

What billing data should be provided by the Building Owner/Administrator?

The Building Owner/Administrator should provide:

  • The total cost of building central heating incurred in a given billing period.
  • Division of this amount into two parts: the costs divided by area (“fixed costs”) and the costs divided according to allocators’ readings (“consumption costs”).
  • Amounts of advance payments accrued to the occupants of individual premises in a given billing period.
  • Rules of conduct in unusual cases, resulting from the rules of billing heat applicable in a given building.

For the sake of the environment, please provide data in an electronic form. The editable form of data on the costs and advance payments undoubtedly shorten the time needed to complete the billing procedure.

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