Data protection

METRONA POLSKA - privacy policy and copyright

Data protection

Thank you for visiting our website: We appreciate your interest in our company.

Metrona Polska introduced a personal data protection policy right after it was established. In 2018, we introduced changes to adapt the existing procedures to the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the EU Council 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC. Metrona Polska ensures the protection of the transferred or entrusted personal data in terms of security, integrity and confidentiality following the above regulation.

In general, you can browse this website without having to provide your personal information. However, if you voluntarily decide to provide them, we will use them following the principles of personal data protection.
The collected personal data will not be transferred or disseminated in any way for the needs of any third party and will only be used if their use has been clearly specified.

Our website may contain links to other websites that we do not control and where our data protection policy is not respected. Please ensure that you read the data protection policy of each website you visit. Metrona Polska is not responsible for any damages caused while browsing other websites to which links may be provided within our website.

This website uses Google Analytics, a website analysis service provided by Google Inc (“Google”). On behalf of the website owner, Google uses “cookies” (text files that are stored anonymously and used to obtain information for the purpose of creating reports and analysing the website). You can opt out of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, but please be aware that in this case you may not have access to some functions of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of your data by Google anonymously and for the above-mentioned purposes. However, you can prevent the data generated by the cookie (including your IP address) from being saved and processed by Google by downloading and installing the plug-in available on the website [current link]

Copyright and Intellectual Property

The entire content of website is the sole property of Metrona Polska or software suppliers and is protected by Polish and international copyright law.

The content and the software of website must not be reproduced, modified, distributed, transmitted, copied, used in shows or presentations or used in any other way.

The name and trademark (logo) of must not be used in connection with any product or service that is not used in relation to the product or service offered on the website by Metrona Polska or is used in a way that could mislead third parties, or in any other way that would create an unfavourable image or endanger the good name of Metrona Polska.

In matters related to obtaining consent for the use of names, logos or materials published and available at website, please contact Metrona Polska.

Copyright © All rights reserved

Photos Fotolia: drubig-photo, Piotr Cieszynski, Volodymyr Kyrylyuk

Informacje RODO oraz na temat plików cookies i podobnych technologiach



Wykorzystujemy pliki cookies oraz kody analityczne aby umożliwić Państwu korzystanie z witryny, a także analizować ruch w naszej witrynie. Więcej informacji zawarliśmy na stronie polityka prywatności

Niezbędne pliki cookie przyczyniają się do użyteczności strony poprzez umożliwianie podstawowych funkcji takich jak nawigacja na stronie i dostęp do bezpiecznych obszarów strony internetowej. Strona internetowa nie może funkcjonować poprawnie bez tych ciasteczek. Pliki cookie (ciasteczka) to małe pliki tekstowe, które mogą być stosowane przez strony internetowe, aby użytkownicy mogli korzystać ze stron w bardziej sprawny sposób. Prawo stanowi, że możemy przechowywać pliki cookie na urządzeniu użytkownika, jeśli jest to niezbędne do funkcjonowania niniejszej strony. Do wszystkich innych rodzajów plików cookie potrzebujemy zezwolenia użytkownika. Niniejsza strona korzysta z różnych rodzajów plików cookie. Niektóre pliki cookie umieszczane są przez usługi stron trzecich, które pojawiają się na naszych stronach.

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